Why Cloudwheels
  • Cloud Wheels offers wide range of analytics particularly designed for connected car environments. Build predictive models for the car onboard the vehicle or in the backend cloud environment; score, compare and contrast driver performance; correlate vehicle-telematics data with wide range of non-telematics contextual data. Cloud Wheels are based on long term research and development backed by many peer-reviewed publications. Inno Apps team also has a long track record in powering many products in the market today.

Technology CloudWheels Analytics
  • Clouds Wheels are developed based on a strong technical foundstion of alogorithms and systems for data analytics and minig in mobile and distributed environments. Its proprietary technology is developed based on years of research and development by its founders and technical team members. The technical team is comprised of may prestigious awardees including IEEE fellow, winner of IBM innovatopn awrad and national science foundation CAREER award. Cloud wheels received 2010 frost & sullivan enabling technology of the year award and the the 2010 IEEE top – 10 data miniig case studies award for its work on cloud weel technology.